Sync jobs running out of disk space

A Sync Agent job will be unable to complete if there is insufficient disk space on the primary system drive.

Follow the below steps to resolve the issue. If you're still experiencing the same error, reach out to our team for further troubleshooting.

➡️ Set an alternative temporary folder

By default, the Sync Agent will use the system temporary folder when downloading / extracting data. If the machine the Sync Agent is installed on has a small system drive (usually C:), the Agent may run out of disk space when working with large data files.

To set an alternative temporary folder, set the INTELLISCHOOL_ONPREM_SYNC_TEMP environment variable to a more suitable location, ensuring that the account used to run the Sync Agent has full access permissions to the new location.

➡️ Setting the environment variable on Windows machines

Note that the Sync Agent is only supported on Windows Server 2012 R2 (or later) or Windows 10 Build 1902 (or later). To set the AZCOPY_BUFFER_GB variable on a Windows machine:

  1. Log on to the machine as the user that runs the Sync Agent service.
  2. Right click on the Start button, and click System.
  3. Click on Advanced System Settings.
  4. Click on the Environment Variables button.
  5. Click on the New button under the User variables list (at the top of the screen).
  6. Enter INTELLISCHOOL_ONPREM_SYNC_TEMP as the variable name, with a value of the full path of the new working folder (e.g. "D:\IntellischoolTemp\"). Click OK.
  7. Click OK to exit the Environment Variables window.
  8. Click OK to exit the System window.

The INTELLISCHOOL_ONPREM_SYNC_TEMP variable is now set. There is no need to reboot or restart the machine; the change will come into effect immediately.

➡️ Increase disk space

If using an alternative temporary folder is not a viable option, you must increase the disk space available on the system drive. This may be as simple as expanding a virtual machine disk, or may require the purchase of additional hardware.

The process for increasing disk space will vary depending on the configuration of your local machine; consult the relevant vendor documentation for instructions.

Note: Intellischool recommends maintaining a minimum of 15GB free space on the drive that the temporary folder is located. Clients with larger datasets will need to ensure that there is an appropriate amount of disk space available for their datasets.


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