You can now define the expected performance band for each ACER assessment, for each year level
To date, we've compared a student's performance in their ACER assessments against the average of the norm-referenced group from which their percentile rank is derived. You can now override this by explicitly defining a descriptive band as the 'expected' level.
🛠️ How can I adjust these expectations?
You must have access to the Intellischool Settings to be able to complete the next few steps.
- In Settings, click 'External results visualisation'
- In the dropdown, select ACER (which is currently the only option)
- All of the ACER tests done at your school will load and you can expand each to define the band of expectation for each year level.
🗺️ Where will this setting be used?
Cohort Standardised testing
A blue ring will make the expected level obvious and hovering over the expected band will also let you know the proportion of students assessed as below, at and above the band.
➡️ Learner Indicators (Progress)
The radial or 'flower' chart shows if the student is operating below, at or above the norm-reference group mean by default. Setting an expected band overrides that. Results for students operating at the defined level for expectation for their ACER assessments will show as blue. Operating below expectation will show as red and above expectation, dark green.
➡️ Learner Standardised testing
Colours will reflect whether the student has met expectation across all domain results. Note that the Literacy and Numeracy indicators to the far left compare a student to the cohort average for all of their results including ACER. As a result, they may show as green in the cohort indicators, meaning they operating at around the average for their cohort across NAPLAN and ACER results, but may also not yet be meeting the expected level (red).
🤔 Need further support?
We're ready to help anytime. Reach out at