Users and Permissions

Managing different sets of permissions for different groups of staff at your school is a quick and easy process inside the 'User and Permissions' area of your Intellischool Analytics Settings. 

⚠️ To access the 'Users and Permissions' area, you'll first need to have the appropriate permissions to access 'Settings'. If you can't locate the 'Settings' button from your Analytics landing page, you may need to get in touch with your school's Analytics administrator, or reach out to our team at


➡️ Accessing 'Users and Permissions'

You'll find the 'Users and Permissions' area by clicking on the 'Settings' button from your Intellischool Analytics landing page - pictured below.

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➡️ Managing the 'Users' tab


The 'Users' tab provides information on all registered users, including which permissions sets they've been added to. We've address a handful of FAQs below:

🤔 How do I change permissions for a specific user?
🤔 Why doesn't this user have any permissions assigned to them?

You can manage which permission sets an individual user has access to in the 'Permission sets' tab, which is explained in greater detail below.

🤔 Why can't I see a particular staff member's name in the list of users?

User accounts for Intellischool Analytics are 'activated' upon attempting to access the analytics for the first time using their school account. If you can't see a staff member's name in the list of users where you'd expect to, please make sure they've attempted to access the analytics, and are logged in using their school account. If the issue persists, please reach out to our team at - we'll be more than happy to help.

➡️ Managing the 'Permission sets' tab

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In the 'Permission sets' tab, you'll see a table view of all permission sets created for your school, with each of the columns explained above. Clicking on the three dots to the right-hand side of each permission set will allow you to edit or delete the set.

🤔 How do I create a new permission set?

Head across to the 'Permission sets' tab, and click on the dark purple 'Create permission set' button. You'll then be prompted to give the permission set a name, and to nominate which individual staff or roles are to be included in this set. After this, you can choose the appropriate checkboxes to grant either 'View' or 'Manage' permissions to your nominated users and groups. Remember to click 'Save' once you're done.

⚠️ Note: You may not see all of the same permission categories as are displayed in the below screenshot, as areas of the Analytics accessible to your school will depend on your subscription.

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🤔 Need further support?
We're ready to help anytime. Reach out at