Sentral (via API) access requirements and configuration

In order to synchronise data from Sentral, you'll need to configure API access.

Depending on the version of Sentral in use at your school, you'll need to follow one of two processes to provide API credentials to Intellischool.

➡️ Sentral Enterprise configuration

  1. Log in to Sentral as an administrator.
  2. Click on the Setup icon (cog), then Enterprise Setup.
    If the Enterprise Setup option is not available, please review the configuration instructions for other versions of Sentral.
  3. Click API Keys (Manage API Keys).
  4. Select the All Access Group under the "Key Group" heading.
  5. Click Add API Key, and:
    1. Give the key a suitable name (such as "Intellischool integration").
    2. Assign the API key to a user. You may choose to assign it to an existing user, however, we recommend creating a separate "Intellischool" user for clarity when auditing access to your data.
    3. Make a note of the API key details.
  6. Take note of your Sentral tenant code. To find your tenant code, navigate to the Sentral dashboard and look at the URL. It should look something like this:
    In this example, "AlpxF2" is your school's tenant code.
  7. Take note of your Sentral school code. Your school code is a number and can be located by navigating to School Information, then School Campuses.
  8. Complete the Sentral Configuration form.

➡️ Sentral configuration for all other editions

  1. Log in to Sentral as an administrator.
  2. Click on the Setup icon (cog), then Data Synchronisation.
  3. Click on Timetable Data.
  4. Ensure that the timetable source is set to "LISS".
    If your source reads anything other than LISS, please contract Sentral support who will need to change this for you before proceeding.
  5. Click on Users.
  6. Create a new user - we recommend calling it "Intellischool" - with administrator access to the Sentral Timetable module.
    The username will be referred to as your "LISS account ID", and the password as your "LISS account secret".
  7. Complete the Sentral Configuration form.

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